The Jefferson County, West Virginia TEA Party
Gives Major Endorsement to
Lisa White for WV Delegate District 96
The Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party was founded on April 15, 2009, on the first Tax Day rally, when West Virginians stood against oppressive taxation en masse at the Jefferson County courthouse.
The TEA Party's goal is to defend our God-given rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.
The TEA Party keeps its finger on the pulse of issues currently facing Jefferson County and its local municipalities.
This party takes action to defend conservative American values and protect the rights of all West Virginia citizens.
Make Liberty Win PAC Endorses
Lisa White for Delegate District 96
Make Liberty Win is an organization formed for one purpose only: to elect political candidates devoted to upholding the U. S. Constitution.
This political action committee is dedicated to assist and elect 250 state legislature candidates from all over the nation that support liberty and vow to defend our Founding documents.
West Virginians for Life Endorses
Candidate Lisa White
The West Virginia Republican Assembly Endorses Lisa White for Delegate District 96
Gun Owners of America
Lisa White for Delegate District 96
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1976 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue.
"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."
– Ron Paul
West Virginia Health Freedom
Political Action Committee
Endorses Lisa White
The West Virginia Health Freedom Political Action Committee is a 501(3)(c) Non-Profit Organization, comprised of West Virginians focused on educating people about parental choice without discrimination regarding the health of our children. We also focus on educating parents on the school admission required vaccination schedule along with the risks associated with each vaccine.
Students for Life Action Endorses Lisa White
Students for Life Action trains and mobilizes this generation of pro-life leaders to impact public policy and influence key elections in order to limit &
abolish abortion in America.